Alexandra Isaacs Alexandra Isaacs

Five Reasons Mindsy Psychology Can Help You

Seeking out therapy, whether it be for anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, relationship woes, or addictions, necessitates strength and courage as you confront these challenges and choose a path of healing. It is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and wellbeing.


In some social circles, there’s a certain stigma that goes with seeking out therapy. Some people prefer to keep their anxieties and fears to themselves, while others may feel that it’s looked down on or seen as a sign of weakness. However, seeking out therapy, whether it be for anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, relationship woes, or addictions, necessitates strength and courage as you confront these challenges and choose a path of healing. It is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and wellbeing.

Although some problems are tolerable, others may be overwhelming and unmanageable. This is where you can really benefit from the advantages of a therapist. Regardless of the frequency, intensity, or difficulty of the problem, a therapist can help to bring some clarity to the situation and has the knowledge to give you the coping skills to manage your life effectively.

Here are 5 solid reasons to seek out and benefit from a therapist:

Reason #1: Self-care is important. Just like you go to the doctor when you are sick or hurt, it’s equally important to take care of your mental health when you feel confused, anxious, angry, or depressed. Healthy self-care practices include taking care of your overall health. A mental health professional is there to listen to your problems and help you find solutions that suit you, and is a trusted professional with whom you can unload all the “heavy stuff” without censoring the sensitive details.

Reason #2: You need an unbiased outlet. Friends and family are often times great sources of support. However, as well-meaning as they try to be, the conversation frequently gets shifted from you and your unique experience and turns into what they did to fix a similar issue. Their advice, as well intentioned as it is, may not apply to you or your situation. Also, when you disclose problems, friends and family may take it personally and have a negative reaction if the advice they gave isn’t followed.

Sometimes, disclosing vulnerable information to someone who knows you is hard. You could feel judged, it could make the relationship strained or awkward, or you could then become worried that the information isn’t completely confidential. A therapist values your privacy.

Reason #3: Understand the meaning of your hardship. It’s normal and natural to wonder, “why me?” When you have a professional therapist to help you find a sense of meaning to a tough situation or challenge, it can often diminish the severity of the problem. Therapy is a process that, with time, can help you discover the lesson your problem has given you and move forward on a clearer path to achieve your goals can teach you to find the silver lining. Good therapy is not an overnight solution. It is an ongoing investment in your overall health.

Reason #4: Attain different perspectives. Sometimes when we are going through a tough time or a difficult situation, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. A therapist offers alternative solutions and opens up discussion to help you realize there are alternative ways to tackle a problem. Therapy can broaden your perspective and eventually help you to overcome the stressor that is impacting your health and wellbeing.

Reason #5: Learn strategies for coping. Therapy can help you learn new coping strategies, so you learn to manage current problems as well as how to take those strategies and apply them to future issues. Successful strategies will help you learn to manage and minimize stress and anxiety. A good therapist will give you many strategies to try to implement and, together, you will discover those strategies that work best for you. At Mindsy Psychology, one of our goals is to give you the confidence to know you are in control of managing your problems and that you can do this!

Everyone has hardships, stressors, and problems in their life. It’s life! But you don’t have to experience the pain, stress, and anxiety alone. You can benefit from seeing a therapist and learning the skills to effectively manage stressors that pop up in your life.

At Mindsy Psychology, our therapists offer strategies, coping methods, exercises, and relaxation methods to help you. We are here to help you through these challenging times. 

Due to COVID-19, we have currently transitioned to providing our Mindsy Psychology services through Telehealth platforms until we can re-open our Chicago, IL location. If you would like to find out about our services and how we can help you through this tough time, please give us a call today at 312.761.4747 or book a consultation online. Mindsy Psychology is located at 2202 N Lincoln Avenue, Suite 7, Chicago, IL, 60614.

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Alexandra Isaacs Alexandra Isaacs

Find Success with Telehealth Therapy Sessions

At Mindsy Psychology, our wish for you is to help you find some peace within this chaotic time and to help you adjust to this new normal. That is why we offer Telehealth platforms – so we can support you through these difficult times remotely.


It’s a fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced some major changes in all of our daily lives, and those changes were abrupt! Often times when we have major life adjustments, these adjustments can be done as a somewhat smooth transition, albeit with an array of emotions. With this pandemic, however, it seemed to take everyone by storm and was a forced transition with no prior warning!

When things are in turmoil and the outcome is unknown, we often find ourselves shifting to a survival mode of gathering resources and information that is necessary to function in this new environment. For some, this means trying to settle into a new routine and the challenges that come with it, such as combating the feeling of social isolation, learning to live with partners, friends, or family members with limited privacy, finding space in the home to be productive while working, or even finding the energy and desire to do day-to-day tasks.

It’s normal to struggle during this time. It’s normal to feel moments of fatigue, frustration, anger, sadness, grief, and anxiety. It’s also okay to reach out to a professional for therapy and counseling. At Mindsy Psychology, our wish for you is to help you find some peace within this chaotic time and to help you adjust to this new normal. That is why we offer Telehealth platforms – so we can support you through these difficult times remotely.

Not familiar with Telehealth?
Telehealth – or teletherapy or e-therapy – is a secure online meeting with a qualified psychologist to assist you with all your mental health therapy needs. Teletherapy is beneficial for a wide range of people with a diverse set of circumstances. In this time of social distancing and shelter-in-place, teletherapy is a viable solution to help you gain professional help from a qualified psychologist.

Do these online therapy sessions work?
As with any therapy session, you need to be willing to be open and honest with your therapist. The only significant difference is that you aren’t in the same room. You can see and hear each other in a real-time session using webcams and headsets. This virtual environment offers a successful way to interact with each other and for your therapist to use the same techniques that would be used in a face-to-face setting.

Will my teletherapy session be effective?
How effective your teletherapy session will really depend, well, on you and your reason for seeking therapy. When you are open and honest with your therapist so that they can help you achieve your mental health goals, teletherapy can be as effective as sitting in a face-to-face session. The relationship between the patient and therapist is a key component in the effectiveness of the treatment.

Are these teletherapy sessions private?
Yes! Therapists are bound by the same ethical and legal privacy laws whether you are sitting across from them or on a telehealth session. Before your session begins, your therapist will ensure that they are in a private and secure setting, and typically sessions are not recorded for any reason, unless discussed with the patient first. It can be argued that it is potentially more private since the patient has no chance of running into other patients they know or potentially bumping into each other on the premises.

At Mindsy Psychology, we utilize specialized software that is fully encrypted to offer the highest level of privacy and security. **Any software that therapists use for telepsychology must be approved by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This is legislation that ensures data privacy and security for safeguarding medical information, including therapy.

How can teletherapy benefit me?
In these uncertain times, teletherapy can have some notable benefits to our clients.

  • Accessibility – Whether you have anxiety, live with a disability or a compromised immune system, live in a rural area, or just want to practice social distancing, teletherapy can remove those barriers so you can get the help you need.

  • Greater flexibility – Typically, office visits have limited hours. Telehealth visits offer greater flexibility with times that can fit the patient as well as encourage more people to seek the right support when they need it the most.

  • Less wait times – Seeking professional help takes courage, and the less time someone has to wait, the more likely they will be to follow through on their appointment and get the help they desire. Also, there are no long waiting times in a waiting room, since your teletherapy session is held in the convenience of your own home.

  • Decreases anxiety and promotes a safer environment – The process of waiting in a new therapist’s office can be a stressful one. Teletherapy alleviates that anxiety and promotes a safer environment by experiencing the process in the comfort of your own home.

Seeking therapy and investing in the process is a deeply personal and individualized decision. While we have seen very positive outcomes for our telehealth services, it’s not a one-size-fits-all. If you would like to discuss whether this option is a viable one for you or would like to find out more about our services and how we can help you through this time, please give us a call today at 312.761.4747 or book a consultation online. Mindsy Psychology is located at 2202 N Lincoln Avenue, Suite 7, Chicago, IL, 60614.

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