Alexandra Isaacs Alexandra Isaacs

Get Through This Challenge of COVID-19 with Positive Emotions

No matter where you are in the country, the COVID-19 virus has seemed to dominate our lives. We wake each day to uncertainty, fear, and yes – cabin fever. Thankfully,


No matter where you are in the country, the COVID-19 virus has seemed to dominate our lives. We wake each day to uncertainty, fear, and yes – cabin fever. Thankfully, human nature is designed to rise to the challenges that we face. However, it’s understandable that sometimes it’s hard to stay positive when we don’t have the luxury of daily interaction with our peers or the familiarity of our daily routines.

Positivity is a core ingredient for successful coping skills in the face of a crisis like this one. Now’s the time to be proactive about staying positive and creating small moments of joy and memories throughout our days. Making an effort to experience positive emotions will help to reduce the negative effects of stress.

Here are some useful ways that we can help nurture positive emotions to get us through these difficult times.

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Alexandra Isaacs Alexandra Isaacs

Meet Dr. Isaacs

Mindsy Psychology was founded with the dedication to providing quality services in a warm and caring environment. Compassion, authenticity, kindness, and dedication are values that we believe in to help you embark on your journey with Mindsy Psychology.


Mindsy Psychology was founded with the dedication to providing quality services in a warm and caring environment. Compassion, authenticity, kindness, and dedication are values that we believe in to help you embark on your journey with Mindsy Psychology.

Dr. Alexandra Isaacs
Dr. Alexandra Isaacs is a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Mindsy Psychology. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Northwestern University, a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Roosevelt University, and a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Illinois School of Professional Psychology.

Alexandra provides psychological services from an integrated approach that focuses on understanding and exploring relationships and life patterns. Her approach aims to build skills and strengthen coping, within the context of a supportive and warm environment that facilitates exploration, healing, and growth.

She also specializes in conducting neuropsychological assessments of children with neurobehavioral difficulties including learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, mood disorders, and behavior difficulties.

In this time of crisis, we offer telehealth appointments, a video consultation & video therapy, to continue helping those in need with their mental health priorities.

** Certain insurances cover this service, please check with your provider.

Mindsy Psychology is dedicated to helping you feel better.

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Alexandra Isaacs Alexandra Isaacs

Get Through This Challenge of COVID-19 with Positive Emotions

No matter where you are in the country, the COVID-19 virus has seemed to dominate our lives. We wake each day to uncertainty, fear, and yes – cabin fever. Thankfully, human nature is designed to rise to the challenges that we face. However, it’s understandable that sometimes it’s hard to stay positive when we don’t have the luxury of daily interaction with our peers or the familiarity of our daily routines

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No matter where you are in the country, the COVID-19 virus has seemed to dominate our lives. We wake each day to uncertainty, fear, and yes – cabin fever. Thankfully, human nature is designed to rise to the challenges that we face. However, it’s understandable that sometimes it’s hard to stay positive when we don’t have the luxury of daily interaction with our peers or the familiarity of our daily routines.

Positivity is a core ingredient for successful coping skills in the face of a crisis like this one. Now’s the time to be proactive about staying positive and creating small moments of joy and memories throughout our days. Making an effort to experience positive emotions will help to reduce the negative effects of stress.

Here are some useful ways that we can help nurture positive emotions to get us through these difficult times.

Appreciate the simple. Even if you are sheltered in place or not able to socialize as you normally would, there are small, simple moments to take from each day. It might be the smile or laugh of your child. It might be a hot shower without interruption. It can even be the smell of coffee in the morning. When you stop to appreciate the simple things, you’re giving your brain the opportunity to process the pleasure and boost serotonin – the feel-good neurotransmitter that brings calm and aids in elevating your mood.

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