No matter where you are in the country, the COVID-19 virus has seemed to dominate our lives. We wake each day to uncertainty, fear, and yes – cabin fever. Thankfully, human nature is designed to rise to the challenges that we face. However, it’s understandable that sometimes it’s hard to stay positive when we don’t have the luxury of daily interaction with our peers or the familiarity of our daily routines.
Positivity is a core ingredient for successful coping skills in the face of a crisis like this one. Now’s the time to be proactive about staying positive and creating small moments of joy and memories throughout our days. Making an effort to experience positive emotions will help to reduce the negative effects of stress.
Here are some useful ways that we can help nurture positive emotions to get us through these difficult times.
Appreciate the simple. Even if you are sheltered in place or not able to socialize as you normally would, there are small, simple moments to take from each day. It might be the smile or laugh of your child. It might be a hot shower without interruption. It can even be the smell of coffee in the morning. When you stop to appreciate the simple things, you’re giving your brain the opportunity to process the pleasure and boost serotonin – the feel-good neurotransmitter that brings calm and aids in elevating your mood.
Recognize the good in others. It’s normal for stress and crises to bring out the worst in people, but it also tends to bring out the best in others. Human nature rises to the challenge and you can find some amazing qualities in people. People are helping their elderly neighbors so they can stay safely inside, peers are posting positive messages on social media, and friends are reaching out to each other around the globe to check-in with each other. I see many aspects of the best of human nature being united by this coronavirus challenge. If you can, look to see where you can make a difference. A call to a neighbor, making masks for your community, even just a note of encouragement to someone can help you feel better.
Improve your relationships. If you’re in lockdown with your family, take the opportunity to create memories, spend quality time, and improve your relationship with your loved ones. Hug your kids or significant other, make eye contact, show them you value them, and slow down and have a long conversation with them. All of these gestures create intimacy and boost your oxytocin, a hormone that has a calming effect on your body and helps to emotionally bond people together. When oxytocin levels spike, your body turns off the stress hormone, cortisol.
All these things are great, but you may be asking yourself how these three exercises in mindfulness can help your overall mental health. By focusing on the positive, appreciating the simple things, and building your relationships, you can potentially change your brain chemistry while increasing your energy stores, giving you the strength to cope with other aspects of your day-to-day struggles that are more difficult.
Only you can decide to take charge of your mental health and focus on fostering positive emotions. In fact, the key resources to help get us through this coronavirus crisis are positive emotions, because they’ve been shown to do a number of things to improve your mental health.
1. Enhance your immunity: Studies have shown that among test subjects that had been deliberately given the flu virus, those with more positive emotions were more likely to fight off the symptoms, and those with less positive emotions were 2.9 times more likely to contract the respiratory illness.
2. Boost your resilience: Research has shown that positive emotions allow us to bounce back faster from a stressful event while enjoying better cardiovascular health, including lower heart rates and more stabilized blood pressure.
3. Clearer thinking: With positive emotions, we see an increase in our problem-solving abilities, better decision-making skills, increased cognitive flexibility, and enhanced creativity. Right now, between deciding when is the best time to return to work, figuring out new technology platforms as our children continue to learn from home, and deciding how much social distancing is enough, we definitely need positive emotions to help with that decision-making process.
We know that conditions are not ideal at this time. However, only you can take charge of your mental health in this “new normal”. Understand, it’s ok to embrace all of our emotions, negative or positive. It’s ok to feel scared and apprehensive. We don’t want to suppress our feelings, we need to address all of our emotions, and by doing so, we can learn how to use positive emotions to help us come out of this experience stronger.
Due to COVID-19, we have currently transitioned to providing our Mindsy Psychology services via Telehealth platforms until we can re-open our Chicago, IL location. If you would like to find out about our services and how we can help you through this tough time, please give us a call today at 312.761.4747 or book a consultation online. Mindsy Psychology is located at 2202 N Lincoln Avenue, Suite 7, Chicago, IL, 60614.