Coronavirus – the news is everywhere and there never seems to be a break from it. You may have just gotten used to the shelter-in-place order, only going out for essentials, and learning how to handle the stress of being somewhat isolated from the life you were once used to.
Well, now that we’ve started opening up our economy and getting back out into society, this adds a whole new level of uncertainty and stress to what you’ve just been going through in the last 3 months. Once again, our “new normal” is changing!
During this time when you are trying to stay safe but also getting back to exposing yourself more by being out in public, remember it’s okay to not feel okay. You are not alone in this adjustment process, and it’s okay to seek help and support.
With change comes new strategies to help manage the latest anxieties created as we are trying to get back to an open society while still staying safe from this virus. You may need to adopt some new strategies and new concepts to help aid you in this next transition.
Go at Your Own Pace
As more businesses open and you become more exposed to crowds, your anxiety is bound to increase. It is normal and expected. Just because restaurants, salons, and malls may be re-opening doesn’t mean you have to rush to participate. Go at your own pace. Part of moving forward is knowing your boundaries – when it feels right for you – and accepting the risks at your own speed.
Some of your friends and family may be ready to put themselves out there more than you. There’s nothing wrong with setting boundaries with your friends and family members to let them know what you feel comfortable with as you explore this new phase of normalcy.
Let Go of What You Cannot Control
Focus on what is within your control and be alert of your surroundings as you venture out. Understand that adjustment is a process and, while it won’t look the same to everyone, flexibility and patience are needed. Anxiety comes from losing control, and we naturally feel better when we are actively in control of our own security and safety. It’s when we feel we aren’t in control, or are losing control, that anxiety rears its ugly head.
Stay Within Your Comfort Zone
As you prepare for this next step of transitioning between regaining more normalcy and staying safe, keep these thoughts in mind to help calm and steady you:
Stick to what works for you; everybody handles stress and anxiety differently so certain strategies work better for some than others
Only consult with sources of credible medical information - don’t overdose on the hype and misinformation
Take a break from the news as often as you can
Strategies to Calm Anxieties
Whether you are an essential worker or you have been completely sheltered in place since your state mandated it, there are some ways to relax and calm the anxieties that carry into this next phase:
Meditation. Regular meditation can be very calming. There are apps for you to use such as Calm and Headspace that can promote stress management, mindfulness, and ease anxiety.
Controlled Breathing. There are many forms of controlled breathing, and your therapist can help you determine what works for you. When you focus on your inner calm, you feel more centered and at peace.
Yoga. While yoga isn’t for everyone, sometimes trying new things can be a healthy distraction, and you just might find that you like it! There are many apps to try from the convenience of your home.
Be Your Own Advocate. Staying in contact with your friends and family, eating familiar foods, reading a good book, or watching your favorite movie are all ways to remind you that you do have some control over your life.
Not only are we still mourning the carefree ways we used to have, but we are also unsure of how the future will ultimately look, and of course, there is still fear of getting sick. We are all on this journey together, but the key is how you can help yourself and get the help you need from a professional so you can adjust to this new way of living.
At Mindsy Psychology, our therapists offer strategies to manage the anxiety created between wanting to get back to normal and staying safe versus the safe haven you’ve grown used to by staying home, or at least been more sheltered than before COVID-19. You aren’t alone in the adjustment process. It’s a new experience for all of us, and how much help and support you need is based on you and your personal needs. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are there to help you through these challenging times.
Due to COVID-19, we have currently transitioned to providing our Mindsy Psychology services via Telehealth platforms until we can re-open our Chicago, IL location. If you would like to find out about our services and how we can help you through this tough time, please give us a call today at 312.761.4747 or book a consultation online. Mindsy Psychology is located at 2202 N Lincoln Avenue, Suite 7, Chicago, IL, 60614.